Different Types of Mountain Bikes

With mountain biking being a very popular sport,
there are many bikes to choose from.  Depending
on what type of riding you like, the style of
bikes you can choose from will vary.  Below, you'll
find tips on the different types of bikes available.

1.  Cross country
Almost all mountain bikes will fit into this category.
Cross country mountain bikes are light weight, making
them easy to ride over most terrains, even up and
down hills.  This is the most common mountain bike
and it can be used with ease for riding on the path
or even commuting.

2.  Downhill
These types of bikes are for serious bikers who
crave the ultimate adventure.  Downhill bikes have
front and rear suspension, strong parts, and disc
brakes.  Rarely available off the shelf, most riders
like to custom build their own.

3.  Trials
Trail mountain biking involves a great degree of
skill and is classified as the precision riding of
the sport.  Similiar to downhill bikes, trial riders
will often build their own bikes rather than purchase
one off a shelf.  Generally very light and very
strong, these bikes require a lot of discipline.

4.  Jump and slalom
Slalom and jump bikes are very strong and designed
for jumping, street racing, and slalom.  They offer
a front suspension and use very strong components
dedicated to what they do.  These bikes are very
popular with the sport of mountain biking.

Even if you are new to mountain biking, the sport can
be a lot of fun.  There are several bikes to choose
from, all of which depend on your style.  If you are
still looking for the best style for you, all you
have to do is try out several bikes and see which one
suites you the best.
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