3 stars hotel in Rome

Rome is a reality. For Rome, more than for most cities, this always has been the central dilemma of city life:how to maintain its priceless heritage while improving the lot of its cheerfully inhabitants. Certainly the 2000 year Jubilee inspired efforts of recent years and have made a difference. Transport has been boosted, new museums have been opened and old ones renovated, and the long awaited Auditorium has opened to universal praise. The city hasn't re-found the heady days of la dolce vita, but it's looking good and it's feeling better than it has for a long time.
Pride also informs much of the typical Roman character: romans are first and foremost Roman and only then italian.
In a country of unparalleled beauty, both natural and architectural, Rome remains the jewel in the crown. In no other city you can see so much in such a short space of time and yet merely scratch the surface. About 10 feet below ground level exists another world, with traces of other settlements deep still. In Rome every period has left a mark. In fact from the time when it was a caput mundi ( center of the world ), through the development of Christianity to the present day ( a period of more than 2.500 years ), Rome has become an unsurpassed anthropological and archaeological archive of Western culture. And it's enough to wander the streets to see this.
The art of Michelangelo, the sculptures of Bernini, the palaces and the cobbled streets, the perfectly formed piazzas, Rome is all this. Nothing is hidden, it's all there waiting for you much as it has been for hundreds of years.
Rome is yet the capital of the world:it's a city of palaces and temples, more glorious than those which any city contains. And it's also a duty of the Rome hotel owners to keep efficient this immense heritage.
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