Travel Ideas in Brussels, Belgium

Traveling in Belgium by train is a great way to get from city to city. Read about taking the train in Belgium with tickets & tourism information in Belgium from

One great travel destination is Brussels, Belgium. Brussels is definitely an exquisite city with a lot to offer its tourists. However, in considering Brussels, Belgium as your travel destination, you may be at a loss for planning what to do while you're there.

Europe as a whole is full of art. This includes Brussels. So, if you have a divine love for art, one place that should be on the top of your list is the Museum of Modern Art. There are eight floors filled with art from various artists including Marcel Broodthaers, Rik Wouters, Rene Magritte, Andy Warhol, Marc Chagall, and many more.

One place you may want to plan a day for in Brussels is Place de Grand Sablon. This is where many upscale antique stores are located. There's Emporio Armani, Wittamer, and more. The statue of Minerva is what marks this square, which was given to the city in the year 1751 as a gift. There is a lot more to the square as well including Place du Petit, which is a small, quiet garden adorned with statues.

While you are in Brussels, Belgium you can also take the time to visit some other notable locations. Antwerp and Brugge are two other cities in Belgium that you might find to be of interest in your travels. Also, if you'd like to see France, Lille, France isn't too far either.

As you can see, there is a lot to do in Brussels, Belgium as well as in surrounding cities. Be sure to take in all that the area has to offer. Europe is truly a beautiful place. You don't want to pass up any opportunities you may have to travel abroad.

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