Wine Tours In Spain

The wines of Spain are as accurate a measure as any of the country's refinement and sophistication. Spain is a world class producer of reds, whites, sherry, and champagne. All over Spain, there are roughly 5,500 wineries producing 870 million gallons of wine annually. Undoubtedly, winemaking is a very important part not only of Spain's economy but also of its history. It is, thus, no surprise that Madrid hotels offer guided wine tours to guests. Wine tours give guests the chance to sample different Spanish wines and immerse themselves in Spanish culture, history, and art at the same time.

With so much wine distributed in the countryside, Madrid hotels' wine tours only have room for the best. Below are some of the best Spanish wineries that are frequently included in Madrid hotels' wine tours.


Valdepenas is one of the most affordable wine regions of Spain. It is, thus, advisable that during the Valedepenas stopover, you buy as much table wine as you can. This area of cold winters and humid summers is home to excellent Reserva and Gran Reserva, two wines that are produced using a hundred percent Tempranillo grapes.


The hot and dry southwestern region of Jerez is another historic Spanish wine country. Jerez is the birthplace of sherry, a much underrated wine that may be dry, medium, or ultra-rich.


Rioja is the heart of Spain's wine country. Most of the country's most successful vineyards are found in this region.


After Rioja, Madrid hotels' wine tours often stop at Navarra next. This is because Navarra is nearer to Rioja. It produces traditional wines, or wines made from indigenous grapes, and modern wines, manufactured through a combination of French grapes and Spanish grapes.

Ribero del Duero

The vineyards of the Ribero del Duero is one of the most picturesque stops of Madrid hotels' wine tours. This region has, in recent years, become as popular a producer of wine as Rioja. It produces wines with a bold fruity flavor. In fact, it is home to the Vega Sicilia, the most famous of Spain's wines made almost entirely from French grapes.


Rueda is incorporated into Madrid hotels' wine tours because of one reason: white wine. Rueda is the best white wine region of Spain and the wines made there are made of Verdego grapes and nothing else. You could learn more about the wines of Rueda and other wine regions through sites like

You will find out, as the tour progresses, that the wines from Spain excel in both quality and quantity. Though frequently eclipsed in popularity by wines produced in Italy and France, Spain's wines will surely put a grin on the face of even the most discriminating wine connoisseurs. There is no denying or disguising quality, even if you have to travel miles to take a sip of it. As the Romans put it so succintly, “In vino veritas.” In wine, there is truth.

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